General Information of the owner of the Website

By accessing the corporate website of located in the domain (hereinafter, the Website), and / or any of the pages through which it can be accessed, the user expressly declares that you have read, understand and accept the “privacy policy” and the “legal notice” of this Website. In case you do not agree with the terms and conditions described in the “privacy policy” and the “legal notice”, please refrain from using this Website.

The Website has been created and maintained by webpage S.A.

Products and services

On this Website, website S.A. makes available to users of the same free information regarding the products and services provided by the companies included in it, although, the possibility of buying the products or contracting the services offered is not offered. The information provided on the Website only has an indicative, indicative and estimated nature and will never have a binding value for web page S.A. in future contracts.

Therefore, the user can not demand any responsibility to paginaweb S.A. for damages or losses derived from the decisions taken based on the information provided on this Website, even if it is partial or contains errors.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

On this Website, website S.A. makes available to users of the same free information regarding the products and services provided by the companies included in it. All the designs, trademarks, names, images, logos, graphics, icons, applications and other content of the Website are the property of SAo paginaweb, where appropriate, SA website has a license for its use, enjoying as a result the protection provided on industrial and intellectual property. In no case does access to the Website imply assignment on the part of paginaweb of such rights to users.

Users of the website may make private use of the Website and its content. Under no circumstances may they make commercial use of them, or alter them in any way, reproduce them beyond their private use, distribute them or communicate them publicly. Any copy or unauthorized use of the design or content that differs from that expressly permitted by webpage S.A. in its capacity as owner of the intellectual property rights, will affect the rights of said owner. It is strictly forbidden to use the contents of the Website for any purpose or in any manner other than that permitted by webpage S.A. in this “legal notice”. The contents, texts, photographs, logos, designs, images, sounds and, in general, any intellectual creation existing on this Website, as well as the Site as a whole as a multimedia artistic work, are protected as copyright by legislation on intellectual property

The user of this Website undertakes to respect the aforementioned rights and to avoid any action that could harm them. In this sense paginaweb S.A. expressly reserves the right to exercise any actions, both civil and criminal, that protect their legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.

Access to the Website

Access to this Website is free and free. However, the contracting of some of the services offered by this website may be, currently or in the future, conditioned to the payment of a price, in which case it will be conveniently indicated. Access to certain services is subject to the registration of the user in the databases of paginaweb SA In these cases, the user agrees to duly guard the access codes (username and password) since they are for the exclusive use of the owner user of them and their safekeeping and correct use are your responsibility.

All the information provided by the User to webpage S.A. It must be true. For these purposes, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data communicated as a result of completing the necessary forms to register. Likewise, it will be the responsibility of the User to keep all the information provided to web page S.A. permanently updated so that it responds, at every moment, to the real situation of the User. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to paginaweb S.A.o or third parties for the information provided.


The Website may contain hyperlinks to other websites that are not edited, controlled, maintained or supervised by webpage S.A. not being responsible for the content of such websites. The content of the same is the responsibility of their respective owners and website S.A. does not guarantee or approve